In this journal you will be able to see the construction progress of Casa Santanera.

 The Green House of Mexico

APRIL 2022


Purchase of land

Mountain Spring Water + Organic Agave = Santanera Tequila

In the tequila industry, more than 90% of the tequilas on the market use additives, chemicals to cover up defects. In our case, our tequilas are only made up of water and organic agave that we produce. We just needed to complete the combination with the best mountain spring water available, the volcanic spring water was the reason why we chose this land to build the Santanera Distillery.

September 2022


Sustainable Distillery

Architect Rodrigo Jiménez


We were fortunate to have the intervention of one of the most talented architects in Mexico, from the beginning the objective was clear, to design a distillery that generated the smallest carbon footprint, that was friendly to the environment and had the greatest optimization of energy in the tequila transformation process. On Friday, September 23, 2022, that is, 5 months after the purchase of the land, the final architectural project was presented.



July 2023


Construction start

Land clearance without cutting down a single tree!

Although in the photo it might seem that it was an uncontrolled felling of trees, in reality only one tree was cut down the reason was because it was sick due to a severe plague.


August 2023


Gravity process

Excavation & Platforms

We began the excavation work on August 29, 2023 and finished the different platforms on January 4, 2024, since it is a resource optimization project, the entire transformation process is based on the principle of gravity, this avoids use of pumps to transfer liquids, which is, unnecessary energy consumption.







We began the foundations of the project with the start of footings on January 16, 2024 and castles in February 2024, work that extended until March of the same year, given the conditions of the type of soil we also made improvements to it, below are some photos with the advances.

March 2024



Retaining Walls

Once the improvement of the soil, castles, footings were completed, we started with the construction of retaining walls, which were achieved in the last week of March 2024. Below are comparative photographs of the before and after. April is scheduled for the start of the installation of structure.



May 2024



Steel Structure

We began the installation of the steel structure on May 6, 2024, all the work pertaining to excavation, footings and soil improvement was completed, the installation of the structure of each one of the platforms will take approximately 3 months, it´s expected to be finish in July 2024.



June 2024


Light poles

Electrical Path

We began the installation of the poles on June 29, 2024, as you may remember, the location of the distillery was always based on finding the best source of spring water, which resulted in a mountain in a volcanic area that unfortunately did not have public  electricity, so we had to enable the electrical path on our own, all with the purpose of creating the best tequila in history and in the process we contributed to our “ejido” of Santa Cruz del Astillero, since all the surrounding lands will benefit from this new light service.



July 2024


Santanera Mountain

Taking Care Of Our Mountain

Thanks to the runoff of rainwater through the Casa Santanera mountain, it has allowed water caverns to form in the aquifers, this are springs that have been purified thanks to the trajectory between various layers of the earth that have required hundreds of years to achieve that purity.


This mountain has a very rich biodiversity, among which “Copal” trees stand out, a sacred tree in México. It produces a natural aromatic resin that is used to purify and clean the environment. The Mayans used them in religious ceremonies to cleanse negative energies, their fragrance is reminiscent of pine, lemon and mint.




August 2024



Pantone 19-3911 TCX

Santanera has a characteristic color in its DNA, the black color, so our house could not have any other. On August 9, the painting work began and it is expected to finish painting the entire structure in September 2024, little by little the opening date is approaching.






Roof & Walls

On August 24, 2024, we began installing black sheet metal for roofs and walls. The roofs are designed to collect rainwater to be self-sufficient in this resource all year round, leaving a testimony of our commitment to the correct use of natural resources that belong to everyone. Little by little, we are getting closer to the opening date of our facilities.


