Unfortunately in the agave industry there were no brands, prices today are governed only
by market demand and the kilos each agave weighs, today QUALITY DOES NOT MATTER,
which is translated into maturity (age of the agave) and the existing percentage of sugar
(reducers), essential to make a good tequila.
We present you some
of our terroir
For us the “terroir” is everything, for this reason we created the term “Single Terroir®”,
since each one of our lots is the product of an organic agave planted in a specific area and
delimited for its later “Jima” (The The process of cutting or jimar the agave consists of
cutting the stalks and the root of the agave to leave only the heart or pineapple) thus allowing
not only the agave to be expressed, but also its origin. At Santanera we never mix agaves from
different areas or ages, this guarantees our supreme quality in perpetuity
The industry uses aggressive chemicals to control the growing of weeds or grasslands around the agave, the bad thing about it is that these type of practices erode the earth by the aggressiveness of them, we prefer doing it by hand agave by agave although this implies higher costs in the maintenance of each terroir.
The industry uses a separation between agaves of 60 cm to 1 mt. We have verified that the ideal distance is 1.4 mt since this way we avoid that the plants compete for the minerals of the earth.
We only use first generation suckers since they are genetically stronger plants that will help us to reach the end of their cycle without setbacks in a natural way
La industria acostumbra una separación entre agaves de 60 cm a 1 mt. Hemos comprobado que la distancia idónea es de 1.4 mt ya que así evitamos que las plantas compitan por los minerales que se encuentran en la tierra. Solo utlizamos hijuelos de primera generación ya que son plantas geneticamente más fuertes que nos ayudarán a llegar hasta el termino de su ciclo sin contratiempos de forma natural.